Trolleybus advertising
Рекламна площа цього транспорту дозволяє створити яскравий меседж, який запам'ятається аудиторії на довго
Реклама на тролейбусах один із способів охопити цільову аудиторію, а також оволодіти новою.
After all, daily roads are oversaturated with cars. This means that passengers spend a long time in the cabin and unwittingly pay attention to handbills and stickers. The same situation with outdoor advertising on trolley buses, it is well remembered by both pedestrians and drivers.
If we talk about the target audience that uses such transport as a trolley bus, then these are pensioners, students, people of various means. Also, motorists and pedestrians will see your ad. Therefore, if you want to state your brand, service or offer in a vivid and memorable way, this communication channel will help reach the largest audience.
The advantages of advertising on trolley buses
widespread and local distribution of your advertising. Many routes allow you to advertise in certain areas of the city, and throughout the city
long-term impact on the target audience
the high frequency of the impact of the advertising message on the person who uses the trolleybus daily.undefined After all, the route from work to home and vice versa is often the same.
wide audience reach. As written above, your advertisement will be seen not only by the passenger, but also by the pedestrian and the driver. And they can all be of different age categories and financial condition.
advertising space of this transport allows you to create a bright message that will be remembered by the audience for a long time
Types of advertising on trolley buses
Branding trolley. Placing advertising messages on board a trolleybus is a great way to reach a large percentage of the audience in a city or a specific area. Sometimes a glimpse is enough to make a purchasing decision or to use the services of a company. Therefore, outdoor advertising on trolley buses is considered one of the most effective ways to attract an audience. There are great opportunities for creative advertising, because you can glue both the entire board, and its individual parts, and windows.
Advertising in the cabin trolley. Promotional posters inside the cabin can undefined use to inform the audience about promotions, discounts and special offers, as well as to increase market awareness. Banner extensions, stickers (A3 and A4) on the walls of the cabin and windows can exhaustively tell all the necessary information to make a decision. Advertising in this transport will allow you to catch a large percentage of the audience for a short period of time. A well-developed concept of an advertising message can convey the mood and encourage decision-making. undefined