Advertising in Shopping Malls

Any large shopping center in Ukraine is a tremendous number of people per day, who obviously came to save money, not to save money.

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Advertising in shopping malls

Huge flows of visitors guarantee a large number of contacts with your advertising.

Advertising in the Kyiv shopping and entertainment center can be very diverse, it provides intimate contact with consumer active visitors and the ability to influence potential customers by target groups.

Creative advertising in the shopping center - advertising that can not be ignored.

The advantages of advertising in the mall

  • direct contact with potential buyers;
  • natural placement - 80% of all purchasing decisions are made in close proximity to the point of sale;
  • advertising on the facade of the shopping center attracts the attention of both visitors and ordinary passersby;
  • the possibility of creative approach in the presentation of advertising;
  • interaction with representatives of the economically active part of the population;
  • thematic advertising and promotions in the shopping center attract visitors and are well remembered;
  • relatively cheap prices for placement of materials;
  • advertising in the shopping center is focused on different age and social groups, allowing you to reach a wide range of audiences.


Boards on the facade of the mall.

  • Advertising on the facade of the shopping center works both for shoppers, and for people passing by, and passing cars. Thus captures a wide target audience.

Branding of elevators, escalators, entrance groups.

  • Branding of the entrance groups of the shopping center attracts the attention of visitors and focuses it on the advertising message. This format of ads allows you to convey your offer even before meeting visitors with other ad formats.
  • Branding of escalators - a large area of ​​the advertising message guarantees the attraction of attention of visitors to shopping centers, reaching a large audience, a high frequency of contacts with the consumer. Demonstration time of an advertising and informational message is not less than 15 seconds. Due to the large area of ​​the escalator, you can place a creative layout or give visitors a whole series of information about your brand.
  • Branding of elevators is one of the most effective and original advertising moves onundefined present day. After all, their work lasts all day, every minute. Such advertising has a high contact duration. It is simply impossible not to notice. If you create a vivid image, then those who just walked by will read the advertisement.

 Audio, video advertising.

  •  Sound advertising is in no way inferior to visual. In addition, the possibility of frequent repetition of audio messages will not only inform customers about the advertised product, but also fix it in memory. You can’t close your eyes on audio advertising, you won’t pass it by - its people will listen 100%.
  •  Video advertising. It attracts people's attention because it creates the effect of personal appeal to the consumer, which significantly increases the effectiveness of such marketing. Video advertising can reach a large segment of the target audience.

 City lights, lightboxes, posters inside the mall.

  •  Advertising on city sites is a popular and effective form of advertising. Such advertising promotes the promotion of goods and services among a wide variety of target audiences. the main undefined a feature of city lights is the internal highlighting, which does not go unnoticed by your potential customers.
  •  Roller constructions attract the eye with their dynamism (up to 5 advertising images can change within a few minutes). One of the main advantages of light panels is also their constant presence in the direct visibility of the buyer.
  •  Lightboxes are light, bright advertising that cannot go unnoticed at any place of its location.
  • Posters inside the mall are the easiest and surest way to declare a brand. The prices for such advertising are not high, and the audience reach exceeds all expectations. As a rule, this advertisement is placed simultaneously in several places and provides coverage of a large number of target audience. undefined

Shopping mall with whom
we work

  • Kiev

  • Odessa

  • Kharkov

  • Lviv

  • Dnieper

Authorization of promotional zones in shopping malls01



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Advertising in Shopping Malls

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Authorization and management of promotional activities in shopping malls02



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Advertising in Shopping Malls

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Authorization of promoters in Ukraine03



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Advertising in Shopping Malls

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ТМ Bref

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Advertising in Shopping Malls

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